Hapé, Sananga & Dragon’s Blood

“The indigenous peoples who have long used hapé see the ceremonial use of this medicine as a form of prayer that “calls upon the forces of Nature, the blessing of the animals of the forest, and power of medicinal plants to heal us and give us strength.” It is, therefore, important that you use this substance in a respectful environment focused on healing. Hapé can be used alone or in conjunction with Kambo.”

Island Kambo

Benefits of Hapé

  • Helps focus and sharpen the mind.

  • Clears a person or space of distracting, bad energies in preparation for intention setting.

  • Detoxes both body and mind and clears your energetic field. 

  • Clears sinuses of mucus and bacteria, thereby helping to combat colds and respiratory ailments.

  • Provides a calming, grounding effect on the emotions that lasts much longer than the initial sensation.

  • Can be used in conjunction with other treatments for addiction and mental illness.


Sananga is a powerful plant teacher used as a part of Kambo ceremonies or by itself to improve vision. This sacred and potent plant is used for healing physical and spiritual ailments. It is achieved by clearing the mind and energies and gaining focus and a completely new way of perception. It is used in the form of eye drops.


“Sananga, also known as Bechette, is a traditional Amazonian eye medicine made from the shredded root of a shrub that grows in the rainforest. The shrub, Tabernaemontana Sanana or Undulata, is part of the Apocynaceae plant family. The active ingredient of Sananga and Bechette is therefore Ibogaine.

It’s been used by indigenous peoples of Peru and Brazil for thousands of years. Known to the Kaxinawa as Mana Heins, Bechette to the Matis and Matses, and Kanapa Vetxe Shuti to the Yawanawa. These powerful eye drops operate on many levels of healing: physical, spiritual and energetic.

The active ingredient acts directly on the root causes of disease, diluting the forces that create Panema (negative energy), depression and psychosomatic conditions. 

On a physical level, it cleans and refreshes the eyes and has been indicated in the treatment of glaucoma, cataracts, astigmatism, conjunctivitis, dry and red eyes, photophobia, keratoconus, eye infection, sinusitis and chronic headaches. It can also be a great ally in the treatment of chronic pain.

In terms of immediate visual enhancement, it gives the environment greater texture and depth, improving both color perception and image definition. This sharpened vision and enhanced perception would have made it easier for hunters to spot animals in a dense and dark forest. On another level, it can open the third eye, clean and expand the aura and balance the chakras, keeping one balanced emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

When Sananga is applied to the eye, it stings for several minutes depending on the strength. A very strong batch may be quite painful and may cause redness and running eyes for 15-30 minutes. 

When the eyes are opened, they feel clean and refreshed. The vision is clearer and more precise and the world looks a softer and more vibrant place. Many people believe that Sananga can also clear away panema so it is a useful medicine to support Kambo.

Sananga can be offered before Kambo to ground and open the client in preparation for the treatment and after Kambo to clean and refresh the eyes after resting. Sananga can uplift and centre at any time.

If you wear contact lenses, remove them before application. Sananga is fine for people who have undergone laser eye surgery although they should wait for 6-8 weeks afterward. ” -Kambo International

Dragon’s Blood & Dressing of the Gates


Dragon’s Blood is a medicinal tree sap from the Upper Amazon. It is applied to small open wounds to stop bleeding, accelerate healing, reduce scarring and close wounds by forming a protective, flexible liquid bandage when dried.”- Kambo International

Dragons Blood will be applied to the Gates that are used for administering kambo. Once the sap dries, it will act as a natural Neosporin. It is important for participants to not pick the scab that will form from the burn made for gates. The Dragon’s Blood scab will fall off naturally in 5-12 days depending on the person’s body. It is important to not put any oils, creams, or fragrance on the gates or the client risks infection.

“In English this is called Dragon’s Blood, in Spanish, Sangre De Drago. The red latex of Croton Lechleri, native to north-western South America, has wound-healing and antioxidant properties, and has been used for centuries by native people for this reason. 

The tree bark is scored and the sap is collected in a very similar way as rubber sap is harvested. Dragon’s Blood also contains a substance called Thaspine which has been implicated in Cancer Research. 

Scientists have since found that as little as a single drop of Sangre de Drago can diminish pain resulting from in- sect bites and stings, lacerations, burns, and plant reactions for up to 6 hours. The investigators noted that the sap acts as an analgesic agent by stopping the activation and stimulation of sensory nerve fibers that send pain signals to the brain. It also inhibits the inflammatory response of tissue to chemicals re-leased by these same nerves, either when applied externally to the skin or when mixed with water and swallowed to treat gastrointestinal problems. -Kambo International