
“An act based upon the interconnectedness of the Earth, community, and Spirit.”

Tuwe, Chief of the Huni Kuin Tribe. Photo by

Hamsa Healing incorporates healing modalities and cultures which were abused under colonialism, so it's essential that we ensure reciprocity with the people whose modalities are studied. 

Paid services are offered at a sliding scale to ensure that everyone receives the healing they need.

All paid ceremonies are tithed directly to the Huni Kuin tribe of Brazil. As part of this commitment to supporting indigenous communities, we only use materials that originate from indigenous communities, including the Peruvian Matse and Brazilian Huni Kuin tribes in Kambô and retreat ceremonies.

Our contributions in 2022 have so far helped the Huni Kuin village of São Vicente, Brazil, to get back on their feet following the recent flooding of the Amazon River. With your help, we will aid in: 

  1. Construction of an artesian well in the village, to improve the quality of water for families to drink and make their own food.

  2. Fuel for rebuilding houses and building boats

  3. Ensure and strengthen food security with sustainable farming initiatives including the purchase of fruit seeds and seedlings

  4. Fishing kits: cast net, gillnet, hook, and fishing line

  5.  Construction of a diet and spiritual healing center for the Huni Kuin people and their guests

Our fair trade, ethically sourced, and/or purchased products come from the indigenous communities who created these traditional uses.

Products used in Ceremony Have Been Created By:

  • Kambô is harvested by the Matse tribe in Peru through the Kambo International Co-Op

  • Sananga and Hape are sourced from the Huni Kuin Tribe in Brazilian Amazon

  • Drum and Sage is purchased from the Swinomish First People’s Trading Post

  • Tea is produced by refugees at Sanctuary Herbs in Providence, RI .